Two Local Standards Compiled by the Company Were Approved for Release and Implementation

4/25/2023 2:24:40 PM

Recently, the local standard that our company compiled for engineering construction in Hebei Province, "Technical Standard of Underground Intelligent Three-dimensional Parking Garage" (DB13(J)/T 8500-2022) and "Technical Standard for Geotechnical Investigation of Contaminated Sites" (DB13(J)/T 8518-2023), were officially released by the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hebei Province and printed and published, which will be implemented since May 1 and July 1, 2023, respectively.



The preparation and issuance of the standards is an important part of improving the geotechnical engineering technology system of CHCI, and is one of the important initiatives to promote the high-quality development of the company. The release and implementation of these two local standards will help to promote the rapid development of underground intelligent three-dimensional parking technology and geotechnical investigation technology for contaminated sites in our province, which is of great significance to accelerate the development of underground space and treatment of contaminated sites in our province.


Add:NO.555 Huaian Road(west),Shijiazhuang City,Hebei Prov. P.C.:0502271   Tel:0311-66723100 66723200 Fax:0311-66723277  
Copy right:China Hebei Construction & Geotechnical Investigation Group Ltd. 2008